Stijn van der Hoorn

Stijn van der Hoorn

My name is Stijn van der Hoorn, I am 16 years old and my goal is to become a pro cyclist in the future.

My disciplines

  • Cycling -> Orcta &WPGA

Number of hours’ training per week

12 - 20h

My favourite Etixx products

  • Isotonic Drink Energy Gel Apple
  • Energy Sport Bar Raspberry

My personal sporting achievements 

Achievements come in the future 😉

My social media

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Manuela Soccol

Trail running and ultrarunning

Enjoying life is very important to me so family time, travelling, foodies but definitely running are my priorities. I can also combine my running story with the rest so that is definitely a plus.

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Ambassador Arnaud Dely image
Arnaud Dely


My names is Arnaud Dely , I’m 26 years old. I’m now since 1 year a full time pro athlete in duathlon , a sport combining biking and running. I’m a really passionate about these 2 sports but I also like some others stuff as music movie and technology.

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Ambassador Jente Hauttekeete image
Jente Hauttekeete

Athletics (All-Around)

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